Calling first timer Ironman athletes!
You can measure training zones based on feel / power / or heart rate.
You should have completed an Ironaman 70.3 before attacking this event. Training hours will be between 6-13 hours a week.
This program also supplies nutrition guidelines for your big day.
To start this plan you should be able to:
Swim: 2000m with rests
Bike: 2 hours
Run: 50 minutes
This plan is designated towards a more seasoned triathlete who has completed an Ironman before or wants more of a challenge.
The programs are more specific than a beginner program, and work with bike power (alternatively you can choose "feel" for zones if you do not have a power meter).
Training hours a week will be between 6-14.
To start this plan you should be able to:
Swim: 3000m
Bike: 2.5 hours
Run: 70minutes
This is for the seasoned triathlete wanting to finetune, build, and make that progression to get every little bit out of yourself.
Biking with power will make sessions more accurate (but not necessary).
You should have completed an Ironman before if not a few, and want to excel not just finish an Ironman.
Training hours will range between 6-18 hours a week.